Types and classes


Pseudo type that contains all the global functions and constants.


String endl = "\n"
Int eolCR = 0x00000001 (1)
Int eolCRLF = 0x00000000 (0)
Int eolLF = 0x00000002 (2)
Int eolUNKNOWN = 0x00000003 (3)
Int false = 0x00000000 (0)
Int file_READ = 0x00000001 (1)
Int file_WRITE = 0x00000002 (2)
Int find_IGNORE_CASE = 0x00000001 (1)
Int find_MATCH_WHOLE_WORDS = 0x00000002 (2)
Int fpth_CASE_AUTO = 0x00000000 (0)
Int fpth_CASE_ENFORCE = 0x00000001 (1)
Int fpth_CASE_IGNORE = 0x00000002 (2)
Int fpth_DIR_AUTO = 0x00000000 (0)
Int fpth_DIR_BACKSLASH = 0x00000002 (2)
Int fpth_DIR_SLASH = 0x00000001 (1)
Int fpth_GET_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF (-1)
Int kCOMPOSED_ARRAY = 0x00000001 (1)
Int kCOMPOSED_DEPLINK = 0x00000005 (5)
Int kCOMPOSED_GROUP = 0x00000008 (8)
Int kCOMPOSED_LINK = 0x00000004 (4)
Int kCOMPOSED_LOOKUP_I = 0x00000003 (3)
Int kCOMPOSED_LOOKUP_S = 0x00000002 (2)
Int kCOMPOSED_NONE = 0x00000000 (0)
Int kCOMPOSED_SET = 0x00000007 (7)
Int kCOMPOSED_VARIANT = 0x00000006 (6)
Int kDECODIFF_BOLD = 0x00000001 (1)
Int kDECODIFF_FIXED = 0x00000008 (8)
Int kDECODIFF_ITALIC = 0x00000002 (2)
Int kDECODIFF_MODE_CODE = 0x00000000 (0)
Int kDECODIFF_MODE_COMMENT = 0x00000002 (2)
Int kDECODIFF_MODE_FREETEXT = 0x00000001 (1)
Int kDECODIFF_UNDERLINE = 0x00000004 (4)
Int kID_PHASE_FINAL = 0x00000002 (2)
Int kID_PHASE_INITIAL = 0x00000001 (1)
Int kID_UNSET = 0x00000000 (0)
Int kMETATYPE_CLASS = 0x00000001 (1)
Int kMETATYPE_GLOBAL = 0x00000007 (7)
Int kMETATYPE_GRAMMAR = 0x00000005 (5)
Int kMETATYPE_INTERFACE = 0x00000002 (2)
Int kMETATYPE_LIFECYCLE = 0x00000004 (4)
Int kMETATYPE_LIFESET = 0x00000003 (3)
Int kMETATYPE_NAMESPACE = 0x00000008 (8)
Int kMETATYPE_NATIVE = 0x00000000 (0)
Int kSTATUS_INITIATING = 0x00000001 (1)
Int kSTATUS_PHASED = 0x00000002 (2)
Int kSTATUS_PREPHASED = 0x00000003 (3)
Int kSTATUS_PRETRANSITIONAL = 0x00000005 (5)
Int kSTATUS_SIMPLE = 0x00000000 (0)
Int kSTATUS_TRANSITIONAL = 0x00000004 (4)
Int kUNICODE_INVALID = 0x0000FFFF (65535)
Float maxFloat = 1.7e+308
Int maxInt = 0x7FFFFFFF (2147483647)
Float minFloat = -1.7e+308
Int minInt = 0x80000000 (-2147483648)
Int numeric_FLOAT = 0x00000003 (3)
Int numeric_HUGE = 0x00000002 (2)
Int numeric_INT = 0x00000001 (1)
Int numeric_NONE = 0x00000000 (0)
Int pcerr_ABORTED = 0x00000008 (8)
Int pcerr_ABSTRACT_VIRTUAL = 0x00000003 (3)
Int pcerr_ACCESS_DENIED = 0x00000015 (21)
Int pcerr_ADD_INVALID_TO_CAULDRON = 0x0000000C (12)
Int pcerr_ADD_OWNED_TO_CAULDRON = 0x0000000B (11)
Int pcerr_ARRAY_OUT_OF_RANGE = 0x00000001 (1)
Int pcerr_ASSERTION_FAILED = 0x00000007 (7)
Int pcerr_DIR_ALREADY_EXISTS = 0x00000014 (20)
Int pcerr_DIR_LINKS_LOOP = 0x00000016 (22)
Int pcerr_DIR_NOT_EMPTY = 0x0000001C (28)
Int pcerr_DIR_TO_MANY_LINKS = 0x00000017 (23)
Int pcerr_DIVISION_BY_ZERO = 0x0000000E (14)
Int pcerr_FILE_IS_CLOSED = 0xFFFFFFFC (-4)
Int pcerr_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 0xFFFFFFFE (-2)
Int pcerr_INVALID_CAST = 0x00000005 (5)
Int pcerr_INVALID_DIAGRAM = 0x00000012 (18)
Int pcerr_INVALID_ENV = 0x00000009 (9)
Int pcerr_INVALID_FILE_EXTENSION = 0x00000011 (17)
Int pcerr_LIFESET_LOOP_FOUND = 0x0000000D (13)
Int pcerr_NAME_TOO_LONG = 0x00000018 (24)
Int pcerr_NOS_PC = 0x00000019 (25)
Int pcerr_NOT_DIR = 0x0000001A (26)
Int pcerr_NOT_XML_FILE = 0xFFFFFFF9 (-7)
Int pcerr_NULL_REFERENCE = 0x00000004 (4)
Int pcerr_OK = 0x00000000 (0)
Int pcerr_OTHER_ERROR = 0xFFFFFFF8 (-8)
Int pcerr_READ_ONLY_FILE_SYSTEM = 0x0000001B (27)
Int pcerr_STACK_OVEFLOW = 0x00000006 (6)
Int pcerr_UNBOUND_ITERATOR = 0x00000002 (2)
Int pcerr_UNMANAGED_EXCEPTION = 0x0000000F (15)
Int pcerr_USER_ERROR = 0x00000013 (19)
Int pcerr_VARIANT_IS_STATIC = 0x0000000A (10)
Int pcerr_VCPU_BUSY = 0x00000010 (16)
Int pcerr_XML_ERROR = 0xFFFFFFFB (-5)
Float pi = 3.14159
Int string_NOT_FOUND = 0xFFFFFFFF (-1)
Int true = 0x00000001 (1)


static Void abort (Int cause, String explanation)
static Void abort (Int cause)
static Float abs (Float x)
static Int abs (Int x)
static Float acos (Float x)
static Int argc ()
static String argv (Int value)
static Float asin (Float x)
static Float atan (Float x)
static Float atan2 (Float y, Float x)
static Void bitInvert (out Int n, Int flg)
static Int bitIsSet (Int n, Int flg)
static Int bitNoneIsSet (Int n, Int flg)
static Void bitReset (out Int n, Int flg)
static Void bitSet (out Int n, Int flg)
static String callstack ()
static Float castToFloat (Huge i)
static Float castToFloat (Int i)
static Int castToInt (Huge i)
static Int castToInt (Float i)
static Float ceil (Float x)
static String chr (Int value)
static Int cmp (Float v1, Float v2)
static Int cmp (Int v1, Int v2)
static Int cmp (Huge v1, Huge v2)
static Void copyFile (String sourceFile, String targetFile)
static Void copyFile (FilePath sourceFile, FilePath targetFile)
static Int copyFileRet (FilePath sourceFile, FilePath targetFile)
static Float cos (Float x)
static Float cosh (Float x)
static Int countSetBits (Int n1)
static Int crc32 (Huge s)
static Int crc32 (Huge s, Int prevCrc)
static Int crc32 (String s)
static Int crc32 (String s, Int prevCrc)
static Int crc32 (Int s)
static Int crc32 (Int s, Int prevCrc)
static Huge currMs ()
static Int decodeXml (InternalAnyRef obj, String fileName, out String messages, String rootName)
static Int decodeXml (InternalAnyRef obj, Binary xmlData, String rootName)
static Int decodeXml (InternalAnyRef obj, String fileName, String rootName)
static Int decodeXml (InternalAnyRef obj, Binary xmlData, out String messages, String rootName)
static Float deg2rad (Float deg)
static String describeErrorCode (Int errorCode)
static String describeUnicode (Int unicode)
static String dump (InternalAnyRef obj)
static Int dynamic (out Any obj)
static Int encodeXml (InternalAnyRef obj, String fileName, String rootName)
static Float exp (Float x)
static Int fileSystemIsCaseSensitive ()
static Int fileSystemUsesBackslash ()
static Void fitInRange (out Int v, Int a, Int b)
static Float floor (Float x)
static Float fmod (Float x, Float y)
static String getAbsolutePath (String anyFileName)
static Int getBitInvert (Int n1, Int flg)
static Int getBitReset (Int n1, Int flg)
static Int getBitSet (Int n1, Int flg)
static String getFileNameFromSourceId (Int sourceId)
static Int getHugeHigher (Huge h)
static Int getHugeLower (Huge h)
static Int getJPEGSize (Binary jpeg, out Int width, Int height)
static String getProgramVersion ()
static FilePath getTargetProjectFilePath ()
static String getTargetProjectPath ()
static Int isDir (String dir)
static Int isDir (FilePath dir)
static Int isFile (String file)
static Int isFile (FilePath file)
static Int isLifeCycle (Any r1)
static Int isSameRef (Any r1, Any r2)
static String join (array of String strings, String separator)
static Int lc (Int unicode)
static Float ldexp (Float x, Int n)
static LocString localize (String s, GLocator loc)
static LocInt localize (Int s, GLocator loc)
static LocNumeric localize (Numeric s, GLocator loc)
static LocDecoString localize (DecoString s, GLocator loc)
static Float log (Float x)
static Float log10 (Float x)
static Int max (Int v1, Int v2)
static Int min (Int v1, Int v2)
static Void mkDir (String dir)
static Void mkDir (FilePath dir)
static Int mkDirRet (FilePath dir)
static Float modf (Float x, out Float ip)
static String objid (InternalAnyRef obj)
static String objinfo (Any obj)
static Float pow (Float x, Float y)
static Int proportion (Int a, Int b, Int c)
static Float rad2deg (Float rad)
static Int random ()
static Int readXmlRoot (String fileName, out String rootTag)
static Void rmDir (String dir)
static Void rmDir (FilePath dir)
static Int rmDirRet (FilePath dir)
static Int round (Float i)
static Void setHugeHigher (out Huge h, Int i)
static Void setHugeLower (out Huge h, Int i)
static Void signalError ()
static Float sin (Float x)
static Float sinh (Float x)
static Void sortArray (out array of Int values)
static Void sortArray (out array of String values, Int caseUnSensitive)
static Float sqrt (Float x)
static String str (Huge value)
static String str (InternalAnyRef value)
static String str (Float value)
static String str (Int value)
static String stringValidateIdentifier (String text)
static String stringValidateInteger (String text, Int minValue, Int maxValue)
static String stringValidateTypeName (String text)
static Void swap (out Float n1, out Float n2)
static Void swap (out Int n1, out Int n2)
static Void swap (out Huge n1, out Huge n2)
static ref System system ()
static Float tan (Float x)
static Float tanh (Float x)
static Void testtrc (InternalAnyRef obj)
static Void testtrcDecIndent ()
static Void testtrcIncIndent ()
static Void trc (InternalAnyRef obj)
static Int uc (Int unicode)
static Int valid (InternalAnyRef obj)


Internal class used to expose the interface to the "Output" pane through the "system ()" function.


ref link of IStreamOutText ActiveText::stream


ActiveText::constructor ()
ref TextStream ActiveText::concatenate (Numeric s)
ref TextStream ActiveText::concatenate (DecoString s)
ref TextStream ActiveText::concatenate (Int s)
ref TextStream ActiveText::concatenate (Float s)
ref TextStream ActiveText::concatenate (String s)
ref TextStream ActiveText::concatenate (Huge s)
ref TextStream ActiveText::concatenate (IExplain s)
Void ActiveText::decIndent ()
Void ActiveText::incIndent ()
Void ActiveText::linkTopic (String topicString, Int topicId)
ref TextStream ActiveText::operator<< (Numeric s)
ref TextStream ActiveText::operator<< (DecoString s)
ref TextStream ActiveText::operator<< (GIDecoString s)
ref TextStream ActiveText::operator<< (Int s)
ref TextStream ActiveText::operator<< (GIInt s)
ref TextStream ActiveText::operator<< (GINumeric s)
ref TextStream ActiveText::operator<< (Float s)
ref TextStream ActiveText::operator<< (String s)
ref TextStream ActiveText::operator<< (GIString s)
ref TextStream ActiveText::operator<< (Huge s)
ref TextStream ActiveText::operator<< (IExplain s)
ref TextStream ActiveText::operator<< (GLocator gLocator)
Void ActiveText::resetIndent ()
Void ActiveText::setIndent (Int i)
Void ActiveText::setStream (out IStreamOutText s)
Void ActiveText::write (Huge s, Int base, Int zeroPad)
Void ActiveText::write (Numeric s)
Void ActiveText::write (DecoString s)
Void ActiveText::write (GIDecoString s)
Void ActiveText::write (Int s)
Void ActiveText::write (GIInt s)
Void ActiveText::write (GINumeric s)
Void ActiveText::write (Float s)
Void ActiveText::write (String s)
Void ActiveText::write (GIString s)
Void ActiveText::write (Int s, Int base, Int zeroPad)
Void ActiveText::write (String s, GLocator gLocator)
Void ActiveText::write (Huge s)
Void ActiveText::write (IExplain s)


The Any type is a catch-all that matches all types. It can not be instanced with var nor as a class attribute.
Instead, it can be used for references, arrays, links and other similar structures if they need to contain any kind of data without a common class or interface.


var String x = "Hello ";
ref Any myRef -> x;
myRef.cast(String).append ("world");


Container of binary data. This type can be used where blocks of unprocessed octets are to be managed.


Void Binary::add (Int n)
Void Binary::allocate (Int n)
Void Binary::clear ()
Int Binary::compare (Binary other) const
String Binary::extractHex (Int firstChar, Int length) const
String Binary::extractReadable (Int firstChar, Int length) const
Int Binary::length () const
Int Binary::parseHexString (String hexString)
Int Binary::readFromFile (String fileName)
Void Binary::resize (Int n)
Int Binary::writeToFile (String fileName) const




ref array of CommandLineEntry CommandLine::cmdLineEntries
ref lookup_s of CommandLineEntry CommandLine::cmdLineKeyLookup


CommandLine::constructor ()




ref String CommandLineEntry::cmdLineKey
ref array of String CommandLineEntry::cmdLineValues


CommandLineEntry::constructor ()


The DecoString is a text string where characters can be "decorated" by setting their style and font.
Details on the kinds of available decorations are specified in class DecoStringDiff.


Void DecoString::append (DecoString s)
Void DecoString::append (String s, DecoStringDiff diff)
Void DecoString::append (String s)
Void DecoString::append (String s, Int flags, Int size, Int mode)
Void DecoString::appendSubString (DecoString s, Int first, Int length)
Void DecoString::changeFormat (Int first, Int length, DecoStringDiff diff, Int sync)
Void DecoString::clear ()
Int DecoString::compare (DecoString other) const
Int DecoString::compare (DecoString other, Int len) const
Int DecoString::compareNoCase (DecoString other) const
Int DecoString::compareNoCase (DecoString other, Int len) const
Void DecoString::deleteRange (Int first, Int length)
Int DecoString::extractHomogeneousSequence (Int first, out DecoStringDiffFormat prevFormat, out DecoStringDiffFormat nextFormat) const
String DecoString::extractLineInString (Int first, Int length, out Int firstOffset, out Int lineNumber) const
Int DecoString::find (String s, Int startingFrom, Int findFlags) const
Int DecoString::find (String s, Int startingFrom) const
Int DecoString::findNoCase (String s, Int startingFrom) const
Int DecoString::formatIsHomogeneous () const
Int DecoString::getAt (Int pos) const
String DecoString::getDebugString () const
String DecoString::getSerializedString () const
Void DecoString::getSerializedString (out String s) const
String DecoString::getString () const
DecoString DecoString::getSubDecoString (Int first, Int length) const
String DecoString::getSubString (Int first, Int length) const
Void DecoString::indentFollowingLines (Int indent)
Void DecoString::insert (Int position, DecoString s)
Void DecoString::insert (Int position, String s)
Void DecoString::insertSubString (Int position, DecoString s, Int first, Int length)
Int DecoString::length () const
Void DecoString::readFromSerializedString (String s)
Void DecoString::split (out array of DecoString decoStrings, String separator) const


This type contains the style settings that can be done to a DecoString.
Click on the attributes to see the values that can be set for decoration.


ref Int DecoStringDiff::diffFlags
ref Int DecoStringDiff::diffMode
ref Int DecoStringDiff::diffSize


DecoStringDiff::constructor (Int flags)
DecoStringDiff::constructor (Int flags, Int size)
DecoStringDiff::constructor ()
DecoStringDiff::constructor (Int flags, Int size, Int mode)




ref Int DecoStringDiffFormat::bold
ref Int DecoStringDiffFormat::deltaSize
ref Int DecoStringDiffFormat::fixed
ref Int DecoStringDiffFormat::italic
ref Int DecoStringDiffFormat::underline


DecoStringDiffFormat::constructor ()


Used in conjunction with Time, it contains the information about time and date split into day, month, year, hour, seconds and so on.

var DecomposedTime dt;
var Time t;
t.setNowLocal ();
dt = t.decompose ();

system().msg << dt.day << "/" << dt.month << "/" << dt.year << endl;


ref Int DecomposedTime::day
ref Int DecomposedTime::dayOfWeek
ref Int DecomposedTime::dayOfYear
ref Int DecomposedTime::hours
ref Int DecomposedTime::microsecs
ref Int DecomposedTime::mins
ref Int DecomposedTime::month
ref Int DecomposedTime::secs
ref Int DecomposedTime::tz
ref Int DecomposedTime::year


DecomposedTime::constructor ()


Used to read directories from O/S disks.


ref array of DirectoryItem Directory::items


Directory::constructor ()
Int Directory::readDir (FilePath dirPath)
Void Directory::sortByNameAscending ()
Void Directory::sortByNameDescending ()
Void Directory::sortBySizeAscending ()
Void Directory::sortBySizeDescending ()
Void Directory::sortByTimeAscending ()
Void Directory::sortByTimeDescending ()


Represents one entry of a directory (see Directory) .


Int DirectoryItem::fDIR = 0x00000001 (1)


ref String DirectoryItem::fileName
ref Int DirectoryItem::flags
ref Time DirectoryItem::modTime
ref Huge DirectoryItem::size


DirectoryItem::constructor ()
static Int DirectoryItem::compareByNameAscending (DirectoryItem d1, DirectoryItem d2)
static Int DirectoryItem::compareByNameDescending (DirectoryItem d1, DirectoryItem d2)
static Int DirectoryItem::compareBySizeAscending (DirectoryItem d1, DirectoryItem d2)
static Int DirectoryItem::compareBySizeDescending (DirectoryItem d1, DirectoryItem d2)
static Int DirectoryItem::compareByTimeAscending (DirectoryItem d1, DirectoryItem d2)
static Int DirectoryItem::compareByTimeDescending (DirectoryItem d1, DirectoryItem d2)
Int DirectoryItem::isDir () const


Low level input file. Used to read files stored on the disks.


Void FileIn::close ()
Void FileIn::open (FilePath fileName)
Void FileIn::open (String fileName)
Int FileIn::openRet (FilePath fileName)
Int FileIn::openRet (String fileName)
Int FileIn::read (out Binary target, Int maxSize)


Used to low-level write on files. The type FileOutStream is commonly used instead when text files are to be generated.


Void FileOut::close ()
Void FileOut::open (FilePath fileName)
Void FileOut::open (String fileName)
Int FileOut::openRet (FilePath fileName)
Int FileOut::openRet (String fileName)
Int FileOut::write (Binary s)
Int FileOut::writeDecoText (DecoString s, Int first, Int length)
Int FileOut::writeText (String s, Int first, Int length)


This type, derived from TextStream , can be used to create and write text files.
For example:

var FileOutStream fileOut("myFile.txt");
fileOut << "Hello world" << endl;

// Optionally:


ref FileOut FileOutStream::fileOut
ref link of IStreamOutText FileOutStream::stream


FileOutStream::constructor (FilePath fileName)
FileOutStream::constructor (String fileName)
FileOutStream::constructor ()
Void FileOutStream::close ()
ref TextStream FileOutStream::concatenate (Numeric s)
ref TextStream FileOutStream::concatenate (DecoString s)
ref TextStream FileOutStream::concatenate (Int s)
ref TextStream FileOutStream::concatenate (Float s)
ref TextStream FileOutStream::concatenate (String s)
ref TextStream FileOutStream::concatenate (Huge s)
ref TextStream FileOutStream::concatenate (IExplain s)
Void FileOutStream::decIndent ()
Void FileOutStream::incIndent ()
Void FileOutStream::open (FilePath fileName)
Void FileOutStream::open (String fileName)
Int FileOutStream::openRet (FilePath fileName)
Int FileOutStream::openRet (String fileName)
ref TextStream FileOutStream::operator<< (Numeric s)
ref TextStream FileOutStream::operator<< (DecoString s)
ref TextStream FileOutStream::operator<< (GIDecoString s)
ref TextStream FileOutStream::operator<< (Int s)
ref TextStream FileOutStream::operator<< (GIInt s)
ref TextStream FileOutStream::operator<< (GINumeric s)
ref TextStream FileOutStream::operator<< (Float s)
ref TextStream FileOutStream::operator<< (String s)
ref TextStream FileOutStream::operator<< (GIString s)
ref TextStream FileOutStream::operator<< (Huge s)
ref TextStream FileOutStream::operator<< (IExplain s)
ref TextStream FileOutStream::operator<< (GLocator gLocator)
Void FileOutStream::resetIndent ()
Void FileOutStream::setIndent (Int i)
Void FileOutStream::setStream (out IStreamOutText s)
Void FileOutStream::write (Huge s, Int base, Int zeroPad)
Void FileOutStream::write (Numeric s)
Void FileOutStream::write (DecoString s)
Void FileOutStream::write (GIDecoString s)
Void FileOutStream::write (Int s)
Void FileOutStream::write (GIInt s)
Void FileOutStream::write (GINumeric s)
Void FileOutStream::write (Float s)
Void FileOutStream::write (String s)
Void FileOutStream::write (GIString s)
Void FileOutStream::write (Int s, Int base, Int zeroPad)
Void FileOutStream::write (String s, GLocator gLocator)
Void FileOutStream::write (Huge s)
Void FileOutStream::write (IExplain s)




Void FilePath::addNamePart (String namePart)
Int FilePath::calcCrc (Int dirMode, Int caseMode) const
Void FilePath::clear ()
String FilePath::convertToFullPath (String inputFilePath) const
Void FilePath::delTopNamePart ()
static Int FilePath::dirModeToBackslash (Int dirMode)
Int FilePath::exists () const
Void FilePath::explain (out TextStream o) const
static String FilePath::fullPath (String inputFilePath)
FilePath FilePath::getAbsolute () const
FilePath FilePath::getAbsolute (FilePath basePath) const
String FilePath::getAsString () const
String FilePath::getAsString (Int entriesToPrint, Int dirMode) const
static FilePath FilePath::getCurrent ()
static FilePath FilePath::getCurrentUserHome ()
String FilePath::getExtension () const
Int FilePath::getInfo (out DirectoryItem dirItem)
static FilePath FilePath::getInstallationPath ()
static String FilePath::getOsPathSeparationSymbol ()
FilePath FilePath::getPath () const
String FilePath::getPathAsString (Int dirMode) const
FilePath FilePath::getRelative (FilePath basePath, Int caseMode) const
String FilePath::getTopNamePart () const
Int FilePath::hasExtension () const
Int FilePath::isAbsolute () const
Int FilePath::isSameFileOf (FilePath other) const
Int FilePath::isValid () const
Void FilePath::makeAbsolute (FilePath basePath)
Void FilePath::makeAbsolute ()
static FilePath FilePath::makeFromString (String pathString)
Void FilePath::mkDir () const
Int FilePath::mkDirRet () const
Void FilePath::parse (String pathString)
Int FilePath::parseRet (String pathString)
Void FilePath::replaceExtension (String newExtension)
Void FilePath::rmDir () const
Int FilePath::rmDirRet () const
Void FilePath::setCurrentToThis () const
Void FilePath::setToCurrent ()
Int FilePath::setToCurrentUserHome ()
Void FilePath::setToInstallationPath ()
Int FilePath::uniqueRenumbering () const


Simple internal type that contains a 64-bit double precision floatin point value.




DecoString GIDecoString::getDecoString () const
GLocator GIDecoString::getLocator () const
LocDecoString GIDecoString::getLocDecoString () const
LocString GIDecoString::getLocString () const
String GIDecoString::getString () const




Int GIInt::getInt () const
GLocator GIInt::getLocator () const
LocInt GIInt::getLocInt () const
LocNumeric GIInt::getLocNumeric () const
Numeric GIInt::getNumeric () const




GLocator GILocalizable::getLocator () const




Int GINumeric::getInt () const
GLocator GINumeric::getLocator () const
LocInt GINumeric::getLocInt () const
LocNumeric GINumeric::getLocNumeric () const
Numeric GINumeric::getNumeric () const




DecoString GIString::getDecoString () const
GLocator GIString::getLocator () const
LocDecoString GIString::getLocDecoString () const
LocString GIString::getLocString () const
String GIString::getString () const


Identifies an area of text or a graphic object within the Macrocoder sources. It is used to track data back to the source files that originated it.


ref Int GLocator::sourceId
ref Int GLocator::sourceItemId
ref Int GLocator::sourceLength
ref Int GLocator::sourceOffset
ref Int GLocator::sourceSubItemId


GLocator::constructor ()
GLocator::constructor (Int pSourceId, Int pSourceOffset, Int pSourceLength, Int pSourceItemId, Int pSourceSubItemId)
Void GLocator::extendTo (GLocator otherLocator)
Int GLocator::posIsValid () const
Void GLocator::resetToInvalid ()

Simple internal type that contains a 64-bit signed integer value.


This interface, once exposed and implemented, allows any class to be used in a "<<" output chain.

For example:

class C1 {
  String myText;
  expose IExplain {

    Void explain (out TextStream o) const {o << "C1=[" << myText << "]";}

Now it is possible to write an instance of C1 on any TextStream:

var C1 obj1;
system ().msg << "Instanced object " << obj1 << endl;


Void IExplain::explain (out TextStream o) const




Int IStreamIn::read (out Binary target, Int maxSize)




Int IStreamOut::write (Binary s)




Int IStreamOutText::writeDecoText (DecoString s, Int first, Int length)
Int IStreamOutText::writeText (String s, Int first, Int length)


Simple internal type that contains a 32-bit signed integer value.
Int values range from -2147483648 (minInt) to 2147483647 (maxInt).




Int IntMap::count () const
Void IntMap::deleteAll ()
Int IntMap::exists (Int value) const
Int IntMap::exists (array of Int values) const
Int IntMap::getAt (Int value) const
Void IntMap::set (Int value)
Void IntMap::set (array of Int values)
Void IntMap::unset (Int value)






ref GLocator LocDecoString::sourcePosition
ref DecoString LocDecoString::text


LocDecoString::constructor ()
DecoString LocDecoString::getDecoString () const
GLocator LocDecoString::getLocator () const
LocDecoString LocDecoString::getLocDecoString () const
LocString LocDecoString::getLocString () const
String LocDecoString::getString () const
Void LocDecoString::set (GIDecoString o)
Void LocDecoString::set (GINumeric o)
Void LocDecoString::set (GIString o)




ref GLocator LocInt::sourcePosition
ref Int LocInt::value


LocInt::constructor ()
Int LocInt::getInt () const
GLocator LocInt::getLocator () const
LocInt LocInt::getLocInt () const
LocNumeric LocInt::getLocNumeric () const
Numeric LocInt::getNumeric () const
Void LocInt::set (GIInt o)
Void LocInt::set (GINumeric o)




ref GLocator LocNumeric::sourcePosition
ref Numeric LocNumeric::value


LocNumeric::constructor ()
Int LocNumeric::getInt () const
GLocator LocNumeric::getLocator () const
LocInt LocNumeric::getLocInt () const
LocNumeric LocNumeric::getLocNumeric () const
Numeric LocNumeric::getNumeric () const
Void LocNumeric::set (GINumeric o)




ref GLocator LocString::sourcePosition
ref String LocString::text


LocString::constructor ()
DecoString LocString::getDecoString () const
GLocator LocString::getLocator () const
LocDecoString LocString::getLocDecoString () const
LocString LocString::getLocString () const
String LocString::getString () const
Void LocString::set (GINumeric o)
Void LocString::set (GIString o)




String Numeric::getAsString () const
Float Numeric::getFloat () const
Huge Numeric::getHuge () const
Int Numeric::getInt () const
Int Numeric::getType () const
Int Numeric::isValid () const
Int Numeric::parse (String s, Int firstChar, Int length)
Void Numeric::set (Int i)
Void Numeric::set (Float i)
Void Numeric::set (Huge i)




Int QuickSortable::qsortCompare (Int n1, Int n2) const
Int QuickSortable::qsortNoOfElements () const
Void QuickSortable::qsortSwap (Int n1, Int n2)
Void QuickSortable::quicksort ()




Int StreamOutTrace::writeDecoText (DecoString s, Int first, Int length)
Int StreamOutTrace::writeText (String s, Int first, Int length)




ref link of IStreamOutText StreamableString::stream
ref String StreamableString::text


StreamableString::constructor ()
ref TextStream StreamableString::concatenate (Numeric s)
ref TextStream StreamableString::concatenate (DecoString s)
ref TextStream StreamableString::concatenate (Int s)
ref TextStream StreamableString::concatenate (Float s)
ref TextStream StreamableString::concatenate (String s)
ref TextStream StreamableString::concatenate (Huge s)
ref TextStream StreamableString::concatenate (IExplain s)
Void StreamableString::decIndent ()
Void StreamableString::incIndent ()
ref TextStream StreamableString::operator<< (Numeric s)
ref TextStream StreamableString::operator<< (DecoString s)
ref TextStream StreamableString::operator<< (GIDecoString s)
ref TextStream StreamableString::operator<< (Int s)
ref TextStream StreamableString::operator<< (GIInt s)
ref TextStream StreamableString::operator<< (GINumeric s)
ref TextStream StreamableString::operator<< (Float s)
ref TextStream StreamableString::operator<< (String s)
ref TextStream StreamableString::operator<< (GIString s)
ref TextStream StreamableString::operator<< (Huge s)
ref TextStream StreamableString::operator<< (IExplain s)
ref TextStream StreamableString::operator<< (GLocator gLocator)
Void StreamableString::resetIndent ()
Void StreamableString::setIndent (Int i)
Void StreamableString::setStream (out IStreamOutText s)
Void StreamableString::write (Huge s, Int base, Int zeroPad)
Void StreamableString::write (Numeric s)
Void StreamableString::write (DecoString s)
Void StreamableString::write (GIDecoString s)
Void StreamableString::write (Int s)
Void StreamableString::write (GIInt s)
Void StreamableString::write (GINumeric s)
Void StreamableString::write (Float s)
Void StreamableString::write (String s)
Void StreamableString::write (GIString s)
Void StreamableString::write (Int s, Int base, Int zeroPad)
Void StreamableString::write (String s, GLocator gLocator)
Void StreamableString::write (Huge s)
Void StreamableString::write (IExplain s)
Int StreamableString::writeDecoText (DecoString s, Int first, Int length)
Int StreamableString::writeText (String s, Int first, Int length)


The String type is used to handle text strings of any length. Strings are formed by 16-bit UNICODE characters.


Void String::append (String s)
Void String::appendSubString (String s, Int first, Int length)
Int String::calcCrc32 () const
Void String::changeCaseToLower ()
Void String::changeCaseToUpper ()
Void String::clear ()
Int String::compare (String other, Int len) const
Int String::compare (String other) const
Int String::compareNoCase (String other, Int len) const
Int String::compareNoCase (String other) const
Int String::convertEol (out String target, Int requestedEol) const
String String::convertToIdentifier () const
Void String::delete (Int first, Int len)
String String::escapeC () const
String String::escapeHTML () const
String String::escapeJava () const
String String::escapeURL () const
String String::extract (Int from, Int len) const
String String::extractLine (Int first, Int length, out Int firstOffset, out Int lineNumber) const
Int String::find (String s, Int startingFrom, Int findFlags) const
Int String::find (String s, Int startingFrom) const
Int String::findNoCase (String s, Int startingFrom) const
static String String::formatAnyRef (InternalAnyRef value)
static String String::formatFloat (Float value)
static String String::formatHuge (Huge value, Int base, Int zeroPad)
static String String::formatInt (Int value, Int base, Int zeroPad)
static String String::formatUnicode (Int value)
DecoString String::getAsDecoString () const
Int String::getAt (Int pos) const
String String::getExtension () const
String String::getLowerCase () const
String String::getSubString (Int first, Int length) const
String String::getUpperCase () const
Int String::globMatch (String globString, Int ignoreCase) const
Void String::insert (Int position, String s)
Void String::insertSubString (Int position, String s, Int first, Int length)
Int String::length () const
Int String::readFromFile (String fileName)
Void String::replace (String s, String r)
Void String::replaceExtension (String newExtension)
String String::shorten (Int maxLen) const
Void String::split (out array of String strings, String separator) const
Void String::splitMultiQuoted (out array of String strings) const
Int String::writeToFile (String fileName) const


// Declare a string variable
var String a;

// Declare and set a string variable
var String b = "Hello world";

// Set some text
a = "this is an example text ";

// Append some text using the += operator or the "append" function
a += "written ";
a.append ("for you!");

// Form a string adding multiple substrings
a = "I'am "+str(myAge)+" years long";




Int StringMap::count () const
Void StringMap::deleteAll ()
Int StringMap::exists (array of String values) const
Int StringMap::exists (String value) const
String StringMap::getAt (Int position) const
Void StringMap::set (array of String values)
Void StringMap::set (String value)
Void StringMap::unset (String value)




ref ActiveText System::msg


System::constructor ()
Void System::print (String s)
Void System::print (String s, GLocator gLocator)


The "TextStream" class is the base class for all the types that can be used to stream text. For example, the system().msg object, commonly used to print messages on the message window, is of type ActiveTextderived from TextStream.
When generating output files, the FileOutStream class will provide with a TextStream interface on regular text files.


ref link of IStreamOutText TextStream::stream


TextStream::constructor (out IStreamOutText ostream)
TextStream::constructor ()
ref TextStream TextStream::concatenate (Numeric s)
ref TextStream TextStream::concatenate (DecoString s)
ref TextStream TextStream::concatenate (Int s)
ref TextStream TextStream::concatenate (Float s)
ref TextStream TextStream::concatenate (String s)
ref TextStream TextStream::concatenate (Huge s)
ref TextStream TextStream::concatenate (IExplain s)
Void TextStream::decIndent ()
Void TextStream::incIndent ()
ref TextStream TextStream::operator<< (Numeric s)
ref TextStream TextStream::operator<< (DecoString s)
ref TextStream TextStream::operator<< (GIDecoString s)
ref TextStream TextStream::operator<< (Int s)
ref TextStream TextStream::operator<< (GIInt s)
ref TextStream TextStream::operator<< (GINumeric s)
ref TextStream TextStream::operator<< (Float s)
ref TextStream TextStream::operator<< (String s)
ref TextStream TextStream::operator<< (GIString s)
ref TextStream TextStream::operator<< (Huge s)
ref TextStream TextStream::operator<< (IExplain s)
ref TextStream TextStream::operator<< (GLocator gLocator)
Void TextStream::resetIndent ()
Void TextStream::setIndent (Int i)
Void TextStream::setStream (out IStreamOutText s)
Void TextStream::write (Huge s, Int base, Int zeroPad)
Void TextStream::write (Numeric s)
Void TextStream::write (DecoString s)
Void TextStream::write (GIDecoString s)
Void TextStream::write (Int s)
Void TextStream::write (GIInt s)
Void TextStream::write (GINumeric s)
Void TextStream::write (Float s)
Void TextStream::write (String s)
Void TextStream::write (GIString s)
Void TextStream::write (Int s, Int base, Int zeroPad)
Void TextStream::write (String s, GLocator gLocator)
Void TextStream::write (Huge s)
Void TextStream::write (IExplain s)


Represent date/time. It can be used to retrieve the current date or to manipulate date/time data.


Void Time::clear ()
Int Time::compare (Time tx) const
DecomposedTime Time::decompose () const
static Int Time::getLocalTZ ()
static Time Time::getNowLocal ()
static Time Time::getNowUTC ()
Int Time::isValid () const
Void Time::set (DecomposedTime decomp)
Void Time::set (Int year, Int month, Int day, Int hours, Int mins, Int secs, Int tz)
Void Time::setLocal (Int year, Int month, Int day, Int hours, Int mins, Int secs)
Void Time::setNowLocal ()
Void Time::setNowUTC ()
Void Time::setUTC (Int year, Int month, Int day, Int hours, Int mins, Int secs)
Time Time::toLocal () const
Time Time::toUTC () const


Dummy type used to declare return type for methods having no return.